MD’s Messages

Message From MD October – 2021

01 October 2021
Message From MD October – 2021

Dear friends,

Congratulations for the successful completion of the first half of the financial year 2021-22. It was indeed an incredible journey. Unexpected. Unpredictable. Unknown. These three words may describe briefly the series of events happened in the last six months.

But as a team we were courageous, wise and timely to respond, react and reward. What a great effort! I am happy and thankful to all the performers who individually and collectively contributed to the survival during these uncertain days.

As you know, every organisation will, at some point, undergo a transition or change in order to remain viable. Whether onboarding new employees, expanding a department, promoting new talents, engaging in new responsibilities or merging with another company, these changes can significantly impact the business trajectory. Engaging fresh blood brings in enthusiasm. As we go for a new leap from October, definitely we need to explore these possibilities.

We have identified the First Fifty employees of our organisation, considering, individual professional excellence, branch and department representation, future potential, attitude and integrity. We have considered their service longevity, people management skills, passion to business and educational track. Also we have considered only management level professionals to this group. Trainees and contract employees were not considered. I have put utmost care and perfect attention personally in this process to make it error free and futuristic. Congratulations and best wishes to the members who got selected and request all others to put maximum efforts to enter the limelight arena in the near future through hard and sincere efforts.

These changes are necessary for companies to succeed and grow. Change management drives the successful adoption and usage of change within the business. It allows team members to understand and commit to the shift and work effectively during it. Without effective organisational change management, organisational transitions can be rocky and expensive in terms of both time and resources. They can also result in lower employee morale and competent skill development. Ultimately, a lack of effective change management can lead the organisation to fail.

The first fifty members must develop their ability to communicate clearly and effectively and practice active listening. They should also develop a high level of emotional intelligence. They should improve their organisational skills and make it much stronger. I personally expect them to have an eye for detail. Problem-solving and decision-making skills are inevitable and don’t run to the leader’s desk for each and every matter. Delegation without micromanagement is expected and must be practised.

It’s the responsibility of each member of ‘FIRST FIFTY’ to ensure the processes align with business goals and the sustainability of the organisational changes.

Be sure to celebrate small victories along the way. Change management doesn’t stop once you’ve successfully executed the transition. Both throughout and following the process, you need to continuously assess outcomes, measure data, train team members on new methodologies and business practices, and readjust goals as necessary.

To conclude, if we are the kind of organisation that understands the need for and the benefits of change, and all of us are willing to say yes, accept, and embrace change, this will be the organisation that stands above the competition—best wishes for an optimistic October.

Warm regards
Sunil Kumar.